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Swaim School for Better Living: Wintering Well #3


Alrighty Friends,

Now that our beds are made and we a improving with our one minute daily goal, and I have heard from a few of you and I am proud of your commitment, let’s go a step further in Wintering Well.

Get out of your PJ’s as fast as you can in the morning!

Either put on exercise gear or work clothes. As fast as you can. If you are an over-achiever, put them out the night before so you know your next step. This is all about momentum. As stated before, it is way too easy to hibernate or hole-up or disengage. RESIST!

Changing your clothes quickly cues your brain that action is required. The fabric itself sends a message to your brain that either exercise or work or something productive is coming. The feeling of jammies tells your brain to loaf. All that snuggly-ness is the wrong message, especially this time of year. The message of “get moving” needs to be broadcast, and when we put on exercise or work gear, the message is loud and clear. The last thing we need is encouragement to be sedentary. This is especially important for those of you who work at/from home!

You don’t even need to be going to the gym for this to benefit you. Your brain will get the message and productive things will happen.

And if you occasionally have a bit of lounge-wear going on, please promise you won’t leave the house in them. I don’t want to see any of you in those people of Wal-Mart videos!

Winter Well!


People of Walmart: This Can Be Disturbing to Watch

Wintering Well #2

Wintering Well #1

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