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What Do You Think?

Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay

Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay

Here is a perspective by Nampa City Councilman, Jacob Bower, regarding the Nampa School Board’s decision to delay face-to-face school opening. What do you think?  Let me know!  Cheers ks

Post on Facebook by Jacob Raymond Bower:

“Please Share! Please get involved!

The Nampa School District may not want to have an outbreak of the virus on their watch…but they better be willing to take responsibility for collateral consequences that WILL come because of their decision to continually isolate the young people in this community. Lots of people want to talk about how government is there to protect those that cannot protect themselves…well what about our children, because right now, I see our local government neglecting and ignoring the needs of our most vulnerable citizens–our young people. Collateral damage problems caused by not having school and sports essentially “isolating” our youth will be significant. You HAVE to have an approach that considers BOTH vulnerable groups or you are basically saying “I don’t care about kids and their future”. Kids can’t organize and protest, can’t riot, they can’t get loud. Kids do not have a voice! It’s easy to forget them and make decisions that don’t include them because of this.

As a city official, hundreds of parents have reached out to me in frustration and anger, asking what can we do if the Nampa School District won’t listen to them.

If the Nampa School District will not let our kids go back to school and play sports, I encourage every single parent in the district who is angered and frustrated to pull your kid from the school district and look for other options. Don’t enroll in the Nampa School District online program, do not let them get funding for choosing to neglect our students. ( Charter schools are not included in this and are still going to school )

Please make your voices heard. Open schools and sports back up! The Nampa School District works for us!

Also remember that we can and will vote these people out of office for neglecting our children. Here are our elected Nampa school board members:

Mandy Simpson

Mike Kipp

Allison Westfall (208-467-9459)

Kim Rost

Also Call Superintendent Paula Kellerer at 208-468-4600 ”

6 Join the Conversation

  1. Dan Edgar says
    Aug 06, 2020 at 7:18 PM

    I hear and read that children are little affected by Covid and don't communicate it much either. So, the schools must reopen. What amazes me most, however, is that essentially all of the health and social consequence of Covid could be nullified by the general use of hydroxychloroquine. There is sufficient evidence that HCQ is very effective. ALL of the other measures and consequences are totally unnecessary.

    • says
      Aug 06, 2020 at 3:23 PM

      Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts! I am very sure that your support would be appreciated by those who are fighting for this point of view. Again, we appreciate you entering into the conversation.

  2. Rebecca Press says
    Aug 08, 2020 at 7:57 PM

    Wow, some common sense - how refreshing! I will call his office and thank him for standing for truth. I agree and applaud Councilman Jacob Raymond Bower.

    • says
      Aug 09, 2020 at 9:33 PM

      He will appreciate your support I am very sure. These people surely take a lot of heat when they take a stand of any kind. Thank you for your readership and responses, Rebecca. Cheers!

  3. Doug McConnaughey says
    Aug 12, 2020 at 7:08 PM

    Let's see Chiropractor Jacob Bower is a conflict in open view in his remarks about reopening schools Now why he make a scene in front of the rest of the Nampa City Council...all puffed up Why is this lack of integrity politician pressuring the Nampa City Council? Because he does Sports Physicals for the schools and makes money. Pure Conflict of Interest He should recuse himself from any further discussion while dealing with city business

    • says
      Aug 12, 2020 at 12:38 PM

      Thanks for your input Doug.

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