Image by TheAndrasBarta from Pixabay
Howdy folks!
It’s Abbey here, & in case you hadn’t heard, this month we’re focusing on strength training, and all the benefits it provides for our long term health. But it probably shouldn’t come as a surprise that in order to get the full benefit of strength training, you’re going to have to fuel your body properly, so that it can respond to the new challenge you’re adding to it. That’s why I’m sharing a product that helps us do just that, in a simple way. This one is called Protefood®, from Standard Process, and as you might have guessed by the name, it provides protein metabolism support, an essential component to make strength training work for you. And this isn’t one of those new fangled protein powders; Standard Process has been making Protefood® since 1953. It’s time tested. Ready? Let’s get started.
Humans are made up of proteins, fats, and minerals. There are 20 building blocks, called amino acids, that make up proteins. Different combinations make up different proteins. Of the 20 building blocks, 9 must be acquired from the diet. The other eleven can be made from the nine. If one of the nine is missing from your diet, then you have a lot of unusable parts and incomplete proteins. Protefood® is a high concentration product of the nine essential amino acids (protein building blocks). It also includes some RNA so that your body can do what it’s supposed to with the nine you are getting.
Most folks only need 1-2 a day to complete the protein they are already getting. When necessary, we can dose it up to four per day.
There’s a few boxes on the shelf in the office, and as always, it’s available to ship right to your door from our website Order Here.
There’s a lot of information going around on the internet these days about how much protein you need. It does turn out that you need far more than what is being recommended by the FDA, etc. (You can read a paper on that here, if you’d like). Especially as we age, we actually need MORE protein to keep up muscle tone and bone strength, which is important for staying mobile. But here’s the deal: very often, a lot of our essential amino acids get destroyed in the cooking process. You can eat a lot of protein, but if those amino acids are being pulled apart by the heat, they’re not going to do what you want them to do for you. They don’t get used up in your tissues, and they just end up floating around in your blood. I’m paraphrasing John Courtney here, Standard Process’s original biochemist. He likens it to a watch factory, where all the parts are floating around but not getting used up, because you are missing the essential spring. When you get the spring in stock (or in this case, the essential amino acids from Protefood®) suddenly, the production line is running again. The production line ramps up our protein metabolism, and suddenly eating that protein becomes usable to our bodies. It’s really a wonderful product. And just to beat the drum a little more, the older you are, the more you need this product.
If I haven’t convinced you yet that protein is majorly important for all of us, no worries. You’re always welcome to come in and chat with us about how to make the best choices for your health. After all, that’s what we’re here for!
Cheers to being stronger and healthier in the new year!
Abbey Swaim
Jan 22, 2025 at 9:04 PM
Great food for thought! Thank you.
Jan 22, 2025 at 3:47 PM
Thank you for showing your support by chiming in. We love hearing from you, Jeanette:) Cheers!