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Do Your Feet Stink?

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Just a quick reminder. WE MAKE ORTHOTICS.

I know, we work on bad backs. Orthotics are for your feet!

But bad backs will never heal properly if your feet are funky. And I don’t mean bad smelling!

The 26 bones in your feet form 3 arches. These three arches flex with each step. But with the advent of shoes, these 3 arches can become weak and prone to injury. (Spending time without shoes is a good idea for most of us, BTW)

If this is you, if your feet have grown weak and injury prone with overuse, or under-use, then orthotics may be a great solution for mitigating the unrelenting effects of gravity. Because gravity always wins, folks, and it never stops.

Any asymmetry in your frame will result eventually into arthritic degeneration. Meaning, your back can pay the price for bad feet. Or your knees, or your hips… you get the idea!

Orthotics can help with the symmetrical interaction of your bodily frame with gravity. Wear and tear results from asymmetries, like a car tire that is not properly inflated. It wears out unevenly and faster, and puts undue stress on the rest of the car. Equal pressure means equal wear. Simple symmetry, simple health.

Big picture: standing tall and even in gravity matters more than anything else in successful aging.

Click on the following link for a great response to these orthitics: Orthotics Made the Difference

Before you start shopping for orthotics elsewhere, start with us. We have a state-of-the-art scanner that captures your foot working in real time. With that data we can make you a custom pair of orthotics. Depending on the complexity of the mechanics of the foot that needs to be corrected, the price typically hits around $450. They are a great product for a great price and they last!

For the month of December, you can get your feet scanned for FREE. Typically, it’s $25. Please call and make an appointment.

We have been making these things since 2006. We are plenty good at it.



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