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Image by Peggychoucair from Pixabay

Image by Peggychoucair from Pixabay

Howdy Folks!

Abbey here again. If you hadn’t noticed, it’s been a particularly breezy spring. And, as I have watched the wind blow through the trees, I see another slightly foreboding sight along with it… a whole lot of pollen, now all over my car and, subsequently, me! If pollen, and allergy season along with it, is something that strikes terror into your heart, then read on and fear not!

We have some nutritional support for you! Allerplex® is a product chock-full of all the good stuff your body needs to handle the allergens thrown into your world. And it’s been in production at Standard Process since 1959! Let’s get into it.

The Pitch

What: Allerplex® is a combination product meant to address allergies on a broad scale rather than solely one specific one at a time. It contains extracts to support your lungs and adrenals, which are put under particular stress, as well as vitamins C and A to support your mucous membranes. It also contains portions of Antronex®, a liver-detoxifying hormone extract with an antihistamine effect.

How: If in a season of high allergic response (aka now, likely!), 3 capsules a meal is the recommended dosage. At periods of low allergic response, 3 per day should be sufficient.

Where: Buy it in the office today or head to our website to order and ship it to your front door.

Why: This is always the key question. WHY should you choose this natural product over, say, Claritin, which works fast and is cheap? First, we don’t just want you to numb your symptoms and, in turn, numb a whole bunch of other signals in your body that didn’t need to be shut off. When you take a drug, at some level, those molecules reach every cell in your body. It doesn’t know to just go to your nose, eyes, etc. Secondly, a natural product doesn’t put more stress on your liver to clear it out. Instead, this specific product contains Antronex®, originally known as Yakriton, a bovine liver fat extract that helps your liver do its job even better. To me, that’s a win!

Friends don’t sniffle your way through spring and miss all the green and blooms heading our way! This product is nothing to sneeze at; head in and chat with us to get started. We want you to feel better and be on your way.




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