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Read This Book

Every so often a book will catch me by surprise and cause me to rethink what is important and more importantly, what is unimportant.

Anything You Want, by Derek Sivers is such a book.  The subtitle, 40 Lessons for a New Kind of Entrepreneur, is not just for those that wish to run a business.  These are some great life lessons.   You can read it in about an hour or if your are really smart, and savor the lessons a bit, you can make it last a few hours.  Sivers invites you into his life, and after the first few lessons, it is easy to want to journey with him.

A quick overview of the book.

Sivers is a musician and he wants to sell his music online.  Unfortunately, (or fortunately) no one would agree to list his music and sell it.  So he created a business to sell his music.  When his friends found out they began asking if he would list and sell their stuff as well.  He agreed and grew a business to 85 employees and sold it all for 22 million dollars 10 years after starting.  Sivers didn’t have a business plan, he didn’t think big.  He cared more about his customers than himself and ran it as if he didn’t need the money. He followed a very intuitive process in a world of MBA’s and success formulas.  Turns out his intuition is very counter-intuitive.

A few things to ponder:

  • What is enough?
  • Why do we fear an invisible jury?
  • Does our work solve a problem?
  • Do you need a business plan?  Do you need investors?

I won’t spoil it.  Read it. Enjoy it. Share it.  I know I will.
Here is the Amazon link for the book.


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